Sooo..after long long months of no blogging on my behalf, it is my 2011 goal and beyond to stick with it. It is my 2011 goal to stick with things. For example, I am terrible at follow-through. (stating the obvious here). BUT not anymore!! I will follow through and I will continue to blog about our life in Minnesota for you! With that we go..
Since the last time I blogged we have been on the move! We finished our basement, we got a bigger and better television for our basement, and a new futon and "man chair" for the "Man Cave". Mike has now splurged and bought a PlayStation 3..ugh! Actually I don't mind he has worked so hard this past year and deserves it! He actually worked himself so hard that he made Presidents Club!!!! YAHOO! Which means= Mexico we come! ...Wait, did I say we? I mean him...I am not invited. 'nother story.
We went to Virginia for Christmas! So fun to see all my friends and family! It was so strange visiting, but it was nice to come back to my own home. I guess I am growing up. After an amazing Christmas in VA, disaster hit..our home. This disaster is called an ICE DAM: An ice dam can occur when snow accumulates on the slanted roof of a house with inadequate insulation and warm air leaks into the attic. AKA-association problem. ..Not according to them!!!! and I quote "if it is inside your home, it is your problem, if it's outside your home, our problem".
Anyways, these ice dams apparently are all throughout Minnesota. They are ruining people's homes and putting holes in their pockets.
( this very moment, our neighbors have people on their roof scraping snow and ice dams).
But what Paradise and Associates don't know is they have the Benos living in their town homes..we are feisty, smart, and will not be taken advantage of.
That is where we stand here in Minneapolis, Minnesota. We are cold, ceiling less, wall less, and loving every minute of being a first time home buyer!!
Until next time...HaPpY nEw YeAr!!!!